Lets go to the beach

Miss Sevis and Miss Kelly on beach. Racine, June 12, 1890
Miss Servis and Miss Kelly on beach. Racine, June 12, 1890

Why is this cabinet card of two lovely gals on the shore of Lake Michigan here in the Kingston Public Library? Who knows?


Jones River, no date
Jones River, no date

Some time ago, an unknown photographer captured this moment of tranquility on the river.  The Old Colony Railroad bridge can be seen in the distance at left, along with at least one of the boathouses that stand between Landing Road and the riverbank. The stone wall at right is the end of the seawall (or river-wall) that runs from the Great Bridge along the property that was once Alexander Holmes’ Jones River Farm.


Mr. Sterry and John, 1911
Mr. Sterry and John, 1911

On June 2, 1911, one of this upstanding pair wrote to Michael McGrath announcing an imminent visit.

"Mr. Sterry & myself will be in Kingston nex week," 1911
"Mr. Sterry & myself will be in Kingston nex week," 1911

In the 1910 federal census, Michael McGrath is listed as a 57 year old foreman and farmer who owned a home and land on Elm Street.  He appeared in an earlier post posing with a team of oxen while working on the Bailey Playground in 1926. The census is no help in identifying Mr. Sterry, and without a last name, John could be anybody.

Let’s take a trip out to the West

They say the coast is the most and the west is the best.

Margaret Holmes and friend at the Tunnel Tree, no date
Margaret Holmes and friend at the Tunnel Tree, no date

Here Kingstonian Margaret Holmes and an unidentified friend pose at the Tunnel Tree, a giant sequoia and well-known tourist attraction in Yosemite National Park.


Captain Charles W. Gelett

Captain Charles W. Gelett, circa 1875
Captain Charles W. Gelett, circa 1875

Though he was from Fairhaven, Captain Gelett married Kingstonian Jane Russell on March 14, 1843.  It’s not recorded where this photograph was taken, but Fairhaven seems likely, given what’s nicely inscribed on the back of the panel card.

Whalebone chair
Whalebone chair

And a detail shows that the legs are vertebrae!

Detail of whalebone chair
Detail of whalebone chair

New Exhibit — Kingston’s Civil War Soldiers, Sailors and Nurses

Captain William Simmons, 1864
Captain William Simmons, 1864

A native of Kingston, William Simmons served in the U.S. Navy during the Civil War, not as an officer, but as a master shipwright and later Constructor at the Navy Yard in Charlestown.

On exhibit for Memorial Day are photographs of Simmons and other residents of Kingston and nearby towns who served a century and a half ago.  Stop by and take a look.

“Divided States of America,” April 28, 1861

Pages 1 and 4 of a letter dated April 28, 1861  to “My Dear Tom” from Will in Kingston, Mass, Divided States of America.

"Divided States of America," April 18, 1861
"Divided States of America," April 18, 1861

Sunday Apr 28 1861
Kingston Mass.
Divided States of America

My Dear Tom

It is now nearly seven weeks since you left here and as I did not write by the letter which was sent before, you will be out on me when you get home if I do not write now. The coutry is getting deeper and deeper into the troubles which she was just entering when you went away. Fort Sumter in Charleston, S.C. Harbor which was held by the United States troops was evacuated on April 6 (I think) after a heavy cannonading from 2 forts and several heavy batteries which lasted many hours. It was honorably evacuated with the Band playing Yankee Doodle after the American Flag was saluted by the 50 guns and drawn down. When this news reached the North the President immediately issued a proclamation calling for 75,000 men to aid in puttng down the “rebel combinations” in the South. Six regiments were ordered from Massachusetts. All the military companies in the town about here have gone Plymouth Plympton, Carver

Halifax &c. In passing through Baltimore our Volunteers were attacked by the mob and two killed. Many of the mob were killed. After that, the rebel mob burned down the bridges around Baltimore to prevent the volunteer[s] passing through that city. Now the troops have to be taken by water to Washington. On the receipt of the news of the evacuation of Fort Sumter Virginia immediated rebelled and 2000 men with 2500 more upon their heels hastened to Harper’s Ferry with intentions to take the 15,000 stands of which arms which were there and proceed to attack the Federal Capital. This attempt was happily frustrated by conduct of the officer in command and at the arsenal, Lieut. Jones who destroyed the arsenal and with a handful of men retreated through the midst of the enemy into Maryland. The Navy Yard at Norfolk, Va. together with several war vessels were destroyed by our troops to prevent their falling into the possession of the rebels. Fort Pickens at Pensacola, Fl. is now still in the possession of the Government but surrounded as it is by rebellion it will probably be attacked before

[a] great while, although it is hoped that it has been reinforced before this. This fort together with Forts Jefferson & Taylor at Key West, Fl. The rebels have had it mostly their own way so far but it is to be hoped that as soon [as] our forces get together we shall be able to retaliate upon them some of the injury that they have done us, take back some of the property of the United States, string up some of the traitors and that will be one step towards victory. Many think that they will never by be in the Union again. It is impossible to tell. The whole northern and western country is in a fever of excitement. The people are everywhere loyal and patriotic. The three colors, “The Red, the White and the Blue” are seen over the land in all shapes: in flags, cockades ladies’ bows, gentlemen’s neckties, in head-dresses, bonnets, &c. New companies are forming. there is one here that has got 100. They tried to get up one in Duxbury and got 7 men. I have now discussed the affairs of the nation quite thoroughly and will return to domestic subjects. I suppose someone has written to you that Mr. Tearnan has gone away. Mother has gone got Jerry McCarty

that used to work down at Mr. Delano’s. He is of course smarter that Mr. Tearnan and so far is very satisfactory. Mother bought a new cow six years old for 40 dollars, her calf came with her and went away to be killed yesterday. I set a hen three days ago. None have wanted to before. Jerry & I plowed the old garden yesterday with Katie and Mr. Cole’s plough. We shall plant carrots and beets at the first opportunity. John Griffin is going to take care of the piece back on top of the hill. The peas have been up some days. The lettuce onions and tomatos are quite tall in the hotbed. The peach buds are all killed by the winter. The apple leaves are starting. the lilac and other shrubs are quite green. I took off the double outer windows Thursday. Miss Moore went away Thursday morning. I have just been to see Miss Sever. She wishes me to remember her to your and hopes you will take card of yourself. Don’t forget every foreign coin you can. Remember me to Capt. Symmes & John. I remain, yours truly


Hope you enjoy yourself among the coolie girls


Without an envelope, there is not a single clue to identify Will and Tom. Others mentioned in the letter can be better described, and will be in the next installment.

Yum, yum, rum.

Capt. Ezra Fuller to Charles Adams, Jan. 4, 1827
Capt. Ezra Fuller to Charles Adams, Jan. 4, 1827

Capt. Ezra Fuller To Charles Adams Dr.

1827, Jan 4

To Powder + Shot ..56
” Paying Pilotage at the Bar 10..00
” 2 Gallons Rum 1..20
” 4 lb. Nails ..40
” 1 qt Rum ..15
” 1 lb. Tobacco ..20
” 1 qt Rum ..15
” 4 3/8 Gallons Rum 2..62 1/2
1 Bushel Peas ..50

$27.78 1/2